Front Inner Page - Volume 3 No.6 December 2016

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    A Survey On Optimized Cloud Instance Management Strategies Using Amazon EC2



    Febin J1, Suma Sira Jacob2, Dr Kezi SelvaVijila3



    Public Clouds, Amazon web Services, Performance Evaluation, Efficiency, Cost Optimization

    Issue Date


    December 2016



    Cloud computing has become more and more popular now a day. This is due to the fact that it is highly compatible to provide an effective and efficient service to customers on demand. This is due to the benefits from cloud computing. The main characteristics of cloud computing are high performance, scalability, high computing power, cheap cost of services, accessibility and availability of cloud services. The cloud vendors are getting a steady growth in recent times. This growth rate is up to 50% in recent years. Some of the cloud computing providers are Amazon web services, rack space hosting, windows Azure. The aim behind this survey is that how effectively system can optimize cloud instance management so that both the cloud providers and clients gets benefits. For this purpose an Automated Cloud Instance Management System which controls all the services provided by cloud service provider. This system can automate the start and stop instances at the specified indicated times, if required at a click system can start or stop an instance at any time. The images of each instance called AMIs can be created at a single click. The custom reports can be generated based on the run time of each instances. The Run log of each instance can be stored to monitor the cloud service provider service. Billing calculation reports for each instance so that there is no loss per month for us. Each week running hour calculations reports makes our clients feel better about our company. Automated Cloud Instance Management System contains a Cost and utilization optimization mechanism on a set of running Amazon EC2 instances. Proposed system receives information on the currently used instance types and proposes a new set of instances for serving the same load that minimizes cost and maximizes utilization and performance efficiency.






    2347- 4734



    Vol. 3, No.6, December 2016



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